Monday, June 28, 2010

Zuma calls for better relationship with Africa

While the South Africans are soaking up the World Cup fever - president Jacob Zuma has been addressing foreign leaders at a G20 gathering in Canada.

On Saturday, Zuma called for more meaningful partnerships between the international communities and Africa - hoping that this relationship will promote growth and development across the entire continent.

"As Africa we bring to the G20 Summit the key message that we must, together as the developing and developed worlds, promote stronger and more effective and equal international partnerships for growth and development," Zuma said at the G20 Working Dinner.

"Africa is open to meaningful partnerships and engagement towards ensuring sustainable development," he said.

Zuma added that he believes the continent's one billion populated market will provide many good investment opportunities which will lead to growth.

"The world markets need to take advantage of such opportunities."

The South African president added that international communities must take developing countries more seriously when it comes to things like the "development and implementation of new financial standards and rules".

Zuma revealed that there was a concern that volatile capital inflows into some emerging economies could result in high prices that cannot be justified by economic activity.

He believes that this concern is a result of low interest rates in advanced economies which is contrasted by the high interest rates in emerging markets.

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